Dr. Schroeder is a trainer, workshop and strategic planning facilitator, consultant, curriculum and training developer, speaker, presenter and sexuality expert for many national and international clients.
Partial Listing in Alphabetical Order — A Full List Is Available Upon Request
Advocates for Youth — Washington, DC
- Curriculum co-author, “Rights, Respect, Responsibility: A K-12 Sexuality Education Curriculum.”
- Consultant, sustainability plans for sub-grantees in CA, SC and NJ of a federally-funded teen pregnancy prevention project
Albert Einstein College of Medicine — Bronx, NY
- Training design developer and co-facilitator, two-day train-the-trainer program for youth-serving staff
- Consultant, curriculum and program development
American School for the Deaf — West Hartford, CT
- Trainer, internet safety issues for students, teachers, staff, and parents
Ashley Hall — Charleston, SC
- Consultant, needs assessment process on sexuality education curriculum
- Facilitator, board of trustees, staff meetings; parent workshops; training of teachers
CAI Global (formerly Cicatelli Associates) — New York, NY
- Trainer – programs on:
- Working with LGBTQ+ clients (for clinicians)
- Family involvement in family planning and sexuality education programming
- Sexuality and the media
- Small group facilitator, Sexual Attitude Reassessment training
- Core staff trainer, Advanced North Atlantic Training Institute for Sexual Health Education, a week-long skills challenge for experienced sexuality educators and trainers
- Curriculum developer, compendium of abstinence-based sexuality education activities for Title X Family Planning Clinicians
CeaseFirePA — Philadelphia, PA
- Co-Facilitator, two-day retreat on DEIJ best practices for DEIJ Committee of Board of Directors
Children’s Aid Society — New York, NY
- Trainer, workshops for foster parents on the Administration for Children’s Services policy on ensuring safe and affirming foster homes for LGBTQ+ youth
Clean Water Action — Washington, DC and National
- Co-Facilitator, Train-the-Trainer program on facilitating DEIJ-related workshops
Community Healthcare Network — New York, NY
- Trainer, curriculum development program
Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania — Philadelphia, PA
- Consultant, year-long Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice capacity-building for the organization and Board
Evesham Township Board of Education — Marlton, NJ
- Trainer, program on sexual orientation and gender identity for district school teachers, counselors, and administrators
- Curriculum consultant, creating lessons on gender and sexual diversity for use in district middle schools; trained middle school teachers on using the lessons in class
- Facilitator, workshops for parents on internet safety for adolescents and talking with their children about puberty and growing up
Family Planning Association of Maine — Augusta, ME
- Trainer – programs on:
- Providing positive sexuality messages to young people
- Using the media to teach youth about sexuality
- Presentation and facilitation skills
Gay Men’s Health Crisis: Project TEACH — New York, NY
- Training design developer and co-facilitator, Three-Day Train-the-Trainers Program on facilitation skills
- Facilitator, training on navigating the politics of non-profit organizations
- Facilitator, four-week professional writing seminar
Graham Windham — Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
- Trainer, ACS policy on ensuring foster homes and support agencies are safe and affirming of LGBTQ+ youth
Guttmacher Institute — Washington, DC and New York, NY
- Co-Designer and -Facilitator, two-day convening of public policy experts on advancing access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and services
Healthcare of Southeastern Massachusetts — Brockton, MA
- Trainer, program for family planning clinicians and educators on screening clients for relationship abuse
HiTOPS — Princeton, NJ
- Facilitator – workshops for parents on:
- Using the media to talk with their children about sexuality
- Talking with their children about sexual orientation
Hoboken School District — Hoboken, NJ
- Developed and delivered a 12-session teen pregnancy- and STD-prevention program in two middle schools for approximately 300 eighth grade students
Iowa Department of Education — Des Moines, IA
- Trainer, “Using Behavior Change Theory to Create Effective Programs”
John F. Kennedy High School — Paterson, NJ
- Trainer, program for School Based Youth Services Program professionals on understanding sexual orientation and gender identity
JSI Research and Training Institute — Boston, MA
- Trainer, program on using the media to teach youth about sexuality
Kansas Department of Education — Kansas City, KS
- Trainer, program for youth-serving professionals on educating about sexual orientation accurately and effectively
Lancaster Country Day School — Lancaster, PA
- Guest speaker, sexuality education classes with high school juniors and seniors
Michigan Public Health Institute — Thomasville, MI
- Co-trainer, two-day program on LGBTQ+ inclusive best practices; repeat conference presenter
Montclair Cooperative School — Montclair, NJ
- Co-facilitator, strategic planning retreat for the board of directors
National Institute for Reproductive Health — New York, NY
- Facilitator, two-day staff strategic retreat
- Facilitator, joint Board of Directors and executive team meeting
- Facilitator, two-day Communications team retreat
Newark Academy — Livingston, NJ
- Facilitator, workshops on 2022 restrictive bills against LGBTQ+- inclusive sexuality education for students and on how to respond to microaggressions for faculty and staff
New Jersey League of Conservation Voters — Trenton, NJ
- In collaboration with a multi-racial consulting team and Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania, established the Delaware River Watershed’s Racial Justice Institute, including a DEIJ resource hub and co-facilitating online workshops and racial affinity groups for professionals working throughout the Delaware River Watershed
New York City Department of Education — New York, NY
- Co-author of the updated HIV curriculum, which is required in K-12 classrooms throughout New York City’s five boroughs
- Designed and implemented trainings for elementary school professionals throughout New York City on teaching about puberty and sexuality
New York College of Medicine — Valhalla, NY
- Guest speaker, adolescent sexual health issues for medical students
Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida — Jacksonville, FL
- Trainer, best practices for ensuring LGBTQ+-affirming materials, services and facilities
PennFuture — Philadelphia, PA
- Consultant, year-long Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) capacity-building for the organization and Board
The Pennington School — Princeton, NJ
- Trainer, sexual orientation issues in school
Planned Parenthood Columbia-Willamette — Portland, OR
- Provided meeting facilitation to create a business plan for the affiliate’s education program as part of ongoing sustainability planning efforts.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America — New York, NY
- Develop and implement trainings for major gifts officers at Planned Parenthood affiliates around the US, including a two-day Major Gifts Boot Camp
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands — Seattle, WA
- Created a sustainability plan for a coalition of Planned Parenthood affiliates working together in coalition across five states to provide youth development programming as part of a federal grant
- Conducted national focus groups and administered a national survey on the professional development needs of the sexuality education field
- Served as a project consultant for the national evaluation of PPGNHI’s INClued program for LGBTQ+ youth, coordinating implementations in six different states around the US
- Conducted feasibility and needs assessment processing relating to adapting an in-person peer education program for a digital platform
- Served as content expert reviewer for online professional development workshops in sexuality education
Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee — Knoxville, TN
- Trainer, workshop on sexuality and the media
Planned Parenthood of Montana — Billings, MT
- Project Consultant, conducting needs assessments to support the development of a sexuality education curriculum for use within Native American and First Nation communities in the state
Planned Parenthood of New York City — New York, NY
- Trainer — programs on:
- Conducting effective activities
- Managing challenging group participants
- Curriculum writing skills
Planned Parenthood South Atlantic — NC, SC, VA, and WV
- Facilitated online team retreat for multi-state development team
Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes — Ithaca, NY
- Trainer — programs on:
- The impact of porn on adolescent sexuality and development
- Teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity accurately, comfortably, and effectively
- Adolescent physical, psychological, and emotional development
- Working effectively with boys and young men
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England — New Haven, CT
- Trainer — programs on:
- Body image
- Building self-esteem in girls
- Sexuality and the media
- Incorporating health behavior theory into programs
- Adolescent risk reduction and decision-making
- LGBTQ+ youth and self-esteem
- Extreme adolescent self-esteem issues, including eating disorders, suicide, and self-mutilation
Prevent Child Abuse Iowa — Des Moines, IA
- Facilitator, Workshops for youth-serving professionals on LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming sexual health information and education
- Facilitator, Strategic meeting of youth-serving professionals to ensure state-wide work serves youth while complying with new, more restrictive laws
Saint John’s Residence for Boys — Queens, NY
- Trainer, ACS policy on ensuring foster homes and support agencies are safe and affirming of LGBTQ+ youth
Scarsdale Parent-Teacher Council — Scarsdale, NY
- Presenter, meeting with community parents talking with their children about sexuality
Sidwell Friends — Washington, DC
- Presenter, workshops on health relationships for middle school students
South Bronx Human Development Organization — Bronx, NY
- Trainer, adolescent sexuality overview
The Whitby School
- Trainer, workshops for parents on talking with their elementary and middle school-age children about sexuality.
John H. Winslow Elementary School — Vineland, NJ
- Trainer, presentations on creating a safe school atmosphere for transgender students for school instruction and support staff
Women’s Fund of Omaha — Omaha, NE
- Provided trainings on facilitation skills and working effectively with adolescent cisgender boys and young men (for educators and clinicians)
Ambrit Rome International School — Rome, Italy
- Workshops with students grades 7 and 8 on sexuality issues
- Workshops with school staff and parents on talking about sexuality and internet safety
American Overseas School of Rome — Rome, Italy
- Workshops with middle and secondary level students on sexuality and relationships
- Workshops with school staff and parents on talking with children about sexuality
American School of Barcelona — Barcelona, Spain
- Workshops with parents and caregivers of younger, middle-level and secondary students on how to talk with their children about sex and sexuality
- Training with school professionals on DEIJ best practices in the curriculum and school setting
American School of the Hague — The Hague, Netherlands
- Workshops with students grades 6 – 10 on internet safety
- Workshops with school staff and parents on internet safety
American School of Warsaw — Warsaw, Poland
- Train-the-trainer program to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming best practices were integrated within the school’s DEIJ practices
Anglo-American School of Moscow — Moscow, Russia
- Workshops with parents and AAS staff on technology and safety
- Educational sessions with students grades 9-12 on sexuality and relationships
EngenderHealth — New York, NY and Kathmandu, Nepal
- Program developer/trainer, adult peer education and teacher training programs on sexuality and reproductive health in Nepal
- Training Curriculum Contributor, teacher training on reproductive health
” Author, counseling skills module in international HIV counseling training curriculum - Contributing author, five-day HIV prevention training program for youth in Kenya
Frankfurt International School — Oberursel, Germany
- Delivered workshops for parents on how to talk with their primary, middle or secondary children about sexuality
- Delivered sexuality overview assemblies to middle and high school students
- Conducted professional development meetings and workshops with school faculty and administration
Inter-Community School Zurich — Zurich, Switzerland
- Provided workshops to parents of elementary, middle and secondary level students on how to talk about sexuality age-appropriately and effectively.
International School of Stavanger — Stavanger, Norway
- Internet safety workshops for students grades 6 – 10 and their parents
International School of Zug and Luzern — Zug, Switzerland
- Consultation and training for school staff in preparation for implementing sexuality and relationships education from grades K-12
Metropolitan School of Frankfurt — Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Trained a cadre of teachers and administrators on inclusive comprehensive sexuality education DEIJ best practices in the school environment and curriculum
Munich International School — Starnberg, Germany
- Delivered workshops for parents on how to talk with their primary, middle or secondary children about sexuality
- Conducted professional development meetings and workshops with school faculty and administration
St. Stephen’s International School — Rome, Italy
- Workshops with students grades 9-11 on sexuality issues
UNFPA China — Beijing, China
- Developed the first online sexuality education university course as part designed for student orientation
UNFPA-ESARO and UNESCO — Johannesburg, South Africa
- Developed the first online teacher training course on sexuality education for K-12 school teachers in East and Southern Africa, including the initial pilot of the course
- Developed an online sexuality course for students attending university in Botswana
UNFPA-Philippines — Manila, The Philippines
- Needs assessment, convening facilitation and training on out-of-school (OOS) and in-school comprehensive sexuality education (CSE)
- Drafted the first Philippines-specific guidelines on OOS CSE from the ITGSE Guidance
UNFPA-SROC — Kingston, Jamaica
- Conducted and published a formative assessment of how comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is taught as part of the Health and Family Life Education in-school curriculum throughout the Caribbean
- Researched, developed and piloted a toolkit for teaching CSE to out-of-school and vulnerable youth throughout the Caribbean
- In collaboration with professionals throughout the region, developed an strategy document for advocating effectively for CSE in the Caribbean